Kidney 1 (KID1) is known as Bubbling Spring or Gushing Spring in English and is located on the bottom of the feet in the slight depression created when the foot is pointed downward, about 1/3 of the distance between the tips of the toes and the heel. It may feel sore, but that means you have the right spot. This is the lowest acupuncture point on the body, which will help the top of your head. When the Kidneys become deficient, they cannot ground the energy of the body and pathological Qi (energy), Yang (warm), heat or wind may rush up to the head. This can cause pain on top of the head, headache, dizziness, hypertension, insomnia, anxiety and even stroke. Being the lowest point on the body, KID1 has a powerful effect to descend this pathology. Using this point can bring you back to your centre, connecting you with the root of life, where the source of energy (Qi) enters the body, helping energy too. Massage this point on both feet for 2-3 minutes, 2-3 times per day.
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